Asia & Wayne

About Us

Wayne & I met on May 22, of 2017, it was my first official day working for delta. I honestly can say he had me at hello (in my Beyoncé voice)! He greeted me with a handshake, “wasup I’m Tuck”, and from that day forward a beautiful friendship grew. It started with us loving the same interest such as sports, movies, food, etc. Then help at work, car rides from & to work, cooking dinner for each other, and just being the friend that we both needed. Tuck hated where I was living at the time and made it his priority to pick me up & take me home just to make sure I was safe. Everyone thought we were together but in all actuality we weren’t and that’s what made it so special. I wish I could go into more detail for all of you but this love story would be pages lol. On a serious note we didn’t want anything from each other we just conversed and enjoyed each others company. My feelings for him did start to grow but he never seemed to be that interested in me (as I thought) so I kept it PG. I never had someone in my life like him before and I didn’t want to lose my friend. He then went away with his mom to Barcelona, we talked every day expressing how we missed each other. When he came back he couldn’t wait to see me! One night over dinner he expressed how he felt, so did I and to find out our feelings were mutual. Our first date was on April 16, 2018, he took me to Cavanaughs Bar & Restaurant. We watched the Sixers play and they had great mussels, I really enjoyed myself that night. 

Then one day at work I walked my butt over to the bag room and asked that man did he have any plans for the beginning of June, he said no. I was bold enough to ask him to take a trip with me, to Jacksonville, FL for my cousin Rhonda's wedding. To my surprise he said yes! I was so excited, because I was for sure he was going to say no. Then when we were down there he had asked me officially to be his girl friend. Two months later boom we were pregnant! Ryan came that following year on March 2, 2019, we were more than overwhelmed with joy & love and that’s what she was a love baby. We were each other’s first for a lot of things and we couldn’t have been more in love. Wayne always expressed how one day he would marry me and make me his wife, on July 20, 2020 he proposed to me! Now here we are planning our wedding which is not the most easiest thing to do but we are getting it done, and I can’t wait to become Mrs. Tucker!

We have hired Destify to make your travel planning easy. Please click on the Resort Page button below for more information about pricing and booking.

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